
Hawaii Time: 04:45 AM HST, Hawaii Weather: 69.1 F (20.6 C)

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Pacific Whale Foundation: Non Discounted Tours

Tour times:

Checkin 5:45AM - Departs at 6:30AM - Return 8:30AM Sunrise Whalewatch Lahaina
Adult (includes all taxes and fees) Price: $68.74 - Members Price: $68.74
Child (includes all taxes and fees) Price: $47.31 - Members Price: $47.31
Check-in 6:15AM - Departs at 7:00AM - Return 10:00AM Ultimate Whalewatch Lahaina
Adult (includes all taxes and fees) Price: $128.55 - Members Price: $109.27
Child (includes all taxes and fees) Price: $74.96 - Members Price: $63.72
Departs at 2:00PM Whalewatch Special Ma'alaea
Adult (includes all taxes and fees) Price: $68.74 - Members Price: $58.43
Child (includes all taxes and fees) Price: $47.31 - Members Price: $40.21
Departs at 9:00AM, 11:00AM, 11:30AM, 12:30PM, 4:30PM Whalewatch Ma'alaea
Adult (includes all taxes and fees) Price: $79.46 - Members Price: $67.54
Child (includes all taxes and fees) Price: $47.31 - Members Price: $40.21
Checkin 5:45AM - Departs at 6:30AM - Return 8:30AM Sunrise Whalewatch Ma'alaea
Adult (includes all taxes and fees) Price: $68.74 - Members Price: $58.43
Child (includes all taxes and fees) Price: $47.31 - Members Price: $40.21
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