Hawaii Time: 12:26 PM HST, Hawaii Weather: 82.9 F (28.3 C)
NICKNAME: The Aloha State
STATE CAPITOL: Honolulu, declared the most livable city in the US (2004).
AREA: 10,932 square miles
POPULATION: 1,360,301 (2010)
MAJOR INDUSTRIES: Tourism & Agriculture.
NUMBER OF ISLANDS: 8 main islands, within 4 counties overall totalling 132 reefs and islands.
STATE MAMMAL: Humpback Whale
STATE FLOWER: Yellow Hibiscus
STATE GEM: Black Coral
STATE FISH: Humuhumunukunukuapuaa
STATE TREE: Kukui Tree
STATE BIRD: Nene Goose
TIDBIT: The Hawaiian Islands are the Earth's most isolated parcels of land, so if you are looking to get away - this is the best place on Earth!